Monday, February 10, 2014

crystal energy

Do you ever feel like you are stuck between two lives; feel like you are merely existing instead of creating your own life; unsure of how to shift old patterns? 

As energy is all around us and is a part of us - it is everywhere!  Every person has energy fields around them and the interaction of energy between individuals can affect personal and work environments on a whole. Having been in the field of human resources, recruitment, training and development on a strategic and operational level for 17 years, Nicole has had the opportunity of observing human and environmental dynamics between employers and their employees within different industry sectors for a solid period of time. To this end, she uses a combination of multi-faceted disciplines and best practice to encourage synchronous relationships between employers and employees to promote positive energy flow between them.

Nicole is passionate about empowering individuals to take control of their lives and coaches individuals on an intuitive basis - providing them with clarity in different areas of their lives; provides career coaching to professionals wanting to shift their careers; provides student guidance to address subject/study choices and assists work seekers to identify their career direction, coaching them into adopting sound and healthy work ethics into their area of employment.

Nicole’s approach to coaching, consulting and healing is unique in that she provides a combination of practical tools and advice based on her corporate experience whilst working on an intuitive and energetic level to empower you to make conscious choices for your greatest good.

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