Thursday, April 17, 2008

loyalty program for readings

Hi there

This is a special offer to all my loyal customers:

1. Get a Full reading for ONLY R200 if you
respond before 24 APRIL 2008.

2. Refer THREE people who book a full reading
and you will get a reading for free.

3. Join the loyalty program and if you have
2 full readings in the next 2 months,
you will receive the 3 rd reading for free

4. Join the mini Loyalty program and have
3 HALF readings in the 3 months and
receive a free HALF reading after that.

The cost of a full reading is R300 unless
you respond before 24 April.This involves
your numerology and astrology reading too.

The cost of a HALF reading is R150 an covers
the next few months ahead.

Mail me at : to get your
reading or join the loyalty program.